Subjects Combination
A.Each student, in keeping with his or her inherent individual abilities and capabilities , will get through high school with a strong , discernible foundation of learning compatible with an effective functioning in life , work and continued learning . This shall be inclusive of knowledge , skill , attitudes and confidence so very needed for academic success. Accordingly priority attention is focused on the following
1. Languages
- Reading forinformation , understanding and enjoyment.
- Writing and speaking clearly , accurately and appropriately.
- Understanding, appreciating and developing a love for literature .
- Having an opportunity to learn languages inclusive of English and attaining proficiency in second and third language as well as culture awareness to prepare the youngsters for active participation in a global environment that is speedily getting to be the order of the day .
2. Mathematics
- Appreciate the usefulness , power and beauty of mathematics .
- Enjoy Mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems .
- Develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when solving problems .
- Develop abstract , logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect critically upon their work of others
3. Science
- Develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science and natural world .
- Acquire knowledge , conceptual understanding and skills to solve problems in scientific and other context .
- Develop skill of scientific inquiry to design and carry out scientific investigation and evaluate scientific evidence to draw conclusion .
- Communicate scientific ideas , arguments and practical experiences accurately in a variety of ways
4. Social science
- Linking the disciplines of social studies in everyday life .
- Enhance understanding of the culture and values to create a multi-ethnic society of national integration .
- Linking the country with a history of nation building .
- Applying knowledge of environmental education in the life .
- Cultivate a spirit of patriotism.
5. Art
- Appreciate how the arts innovated and communicate across time and culture .
- Become informed and reflective practitioners of the arts .
- Experience the process of making art in a variety of situations.
- Become more effective learners , inquirers and thinkers .
- Develop self confidence and self-awareness through art experiences .
6. Information Technology
- Develop proficiency in problem – solving techniques using the computer .
- Demonstrate proficiency in at least two high level programming languages and two operating systems .
- Demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge in discipline of computer science .
- Demonstrate competence in meaningful using information technologies .