Practice Work
Students need to develop the habit of extending their learning beyond the school day. Homework /assignment should be viewed from the angle. They need to be a positive extension of school activities. If student encounter difficulties, we invite you to communicate with the teacher after obtaining the necessary permission to do so that the problem can be speedily resolved.

Usage of phone by students
There is a phone in the office. Students can use the Same for emergencies with the principal’s permission. Students are not allowed to bring cell phones to the School. If found, they will be confiscated.
Lost and found
Articles or items found in and around the school are deposited in the office. Many students do not claim their belongings. Parents are urged to check with the office periodically to claim their children’s lost items. Please label your kids items with his name, class and section. We do not permit children to bring costly items, electronic gadgets etc., to school. parents are also requested to follow suit and see that this rule is not flouted. At the end of the academic year unclaimed articles are sent to a charity.

Keeping students safe
We urge the parents to send home-cooked nutritious food For their wards. Do not send money with them to purchase Items from road – side vendors as this could create a serious Health hazard.
Walk a block
Traffic congestion before and after school is both frustrating and dangerous. Those of you who drop your children to school may solve this problem by letting them out 200 to 250 meters away from the school to walk this distance to school. The benefit – healthier children and a safer environment.

Extra curricular activities
It has always been our Endeavour to provide adequate Opportunities for students to develop and expand their interests, Acumen and abilities to promote a healthy, well – rounded Lifestyle. parents are urged to promote these activities to your Children because it has been well said – ‘’all work and no play Makes ‘whoever it is a dull child’’.