Parent’s Participation
Dear Parents/ Guardians
Get Involved………
Students show that parent all involvement in a child’s education is one of the most important factors in raising student self-esteem and academic achievement. Moreover, most experts agree that parental involvement should go beyond attendance at teacher conferences and open house, We realize, however, that each of our families is unique with its own priorities, needs, and time constraints and so, we try to provide as many different kinds of opportunities for parental involvement as possible. Please review the volunteer
opportunities suggested below, and check any that you are interested in or tell us what you would like to do. You can communicate or phone, e-mail or through the student diary.

Speak at Career Day
Direct a play
Arrange for curriculum related speakers , exhibits, demonstrations
Share a talent, interest or hobby
Coach a sport
Volunteer in Field trips
Participate in a special event
Be a Judge for extra-Curricular activities
Support in curriculum development
Organize cultural programmers
Help in creative pursuits
Undertake substitute teaching
Support in building a Swamy Vivekananda Forum
Any other contribution