Guidelines for Parents
Dear Parents / Guardians
Students show that parent all involvement in a child’s education is one of the most important factors in raising student self-esteem and academic achievement. Moreover, most experts agree that parental involvement should go beyond attendance at teacher conferences and open house, We realize, however, that each of our families is unique with its own priorities, needs, and time constraints and so, we try to provide as many different kinds of opportunities for parental involvement as possible. Please review the volunteer opportunities suggested below, and check any that you are interested in or tell us what you would like to do. You can communicate or phone, e-mail or through the student diary.

Grain products
Protective foods : 5-12 servings per day
You get long-lasting energy for your body and brain from foods like bread, rice, pasta and cereal. Every meal should include some of these foods. Choose brown bread and whole-grain bread instead of white bread.
Vegetable and fruits
vitamins, minerals and fibre : 5-10 serving per day
For vitamins, minerals and more, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. They’re great as snack, too. Dark green vegetables and bright orange fruits are best.

Milk Products
Sources of calcium: 2-4 servings per day
Build strong bones and teeth. Milk, cheese and yoghurt are rich sources of calcium. Dark green leafy vegetables and fortified juices and cereals also give the calcium you need.
Meat and alternatives
For a stronger body : 2-3 servings a day
Meat, eggs, beans and nuts are important sources of protein, which helps your body grow and stay healthy, Lean and low-fat foods in this group are the best.