Code of Conduct
Code of conduct for students
- Be regular and punctual to school.
- Be smart in your prescribed uniform.
- Keep your uniform and books neat and tidy.
- Be systematic and methodical in your work. Use the diary for noting down all you. have to do with reference to your students.
- Regard the school property as your own and save it from any damage.
- Do not spoil the wall and the school furniture by scribbling or by tearing ect.
- Do not tear pages/ sheets from your notebooks. Do not litter the classroom or in its surrounding. Pick up all the waste lying in the classroom, verandah and ground and put them in the waste paper basket/dust bin.
- While having your food during the recess have a paper or towel underneath the lunch box and eat without spilling the contents.
- Always give a helping hand to your classmates.
- Take interest in game and sports and other co-curricular activities.
- Use the toilets properly. International damage if noticed is seriously considered

From time to time you will get information about the activities of Young Scholars academy through newsletters and circulars. Kindly acknowledge receipt of these circulars through this dairy.
In the event of an unexpected holiday being declared examinations/tests, there scheduled date of that exam/ test will be notified later; the remaining exams will continue as per the originalschedule.
Recommendations to Parents
The school diary is the mode of communication between the school and parents, in addition to the Mobile App. Kindly check and sign it every day.
The school expects your whole-hearted participation in all the school functions and workshop conducted by school in the interest of your child.
Report on conduct and progress of your child will be given at regular intervals. Every child develops at his/her own pace. You are requested not to create an atmosphere of stress at home as regards academic pursuits. However, you are most welcome to meet the principal or Vice-Principal, with prior appointment, to discuss any point pertaining to the child.
Do not force the child to attend a test or exam if he/she is unwell. This is in interest of your child as well as his or her classmates.
Critical remarks about a teacher in the presence of a child must carefully be avoided, as this will cause them to lose respect for their teachers and consequently fail to learn from them. However, if there is a legitimate grievance, you can meet the principal with prior appointment; or communicate in writing with your name and address. Anonymous calls will not be attended to.
Parents are requested to send nutritious food for the fruit and lunch breaks. Kindly send their lunch baskets with water bottle sand napkins along with them when they come to school in the morning. Parents may kindly avoid wearing track pants, sports gear, shorts or house coats while in the school premises.
I hereby declare that I have read expectations of the school and shall endeavor to work in partnership with school to enable my child to reach her/his full potential.
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