Sree Swamy Vivekananda Higher Primary School
The School is a co-educational School with an age range from 3-15 years. Established in 1991 the school has over 31 years of history as a part of the local community. At Sree Swamy Vivekananda Higher Primary School, we have strong Indian ethos. We pride ourselves as having a happy, hardworking, family atmosphere supportive parents, professional and experienced staff, at the highest expectations.. Children are encouraged to treat others with respect and to value the skills and talents of all. We believe we are an excellent school. We wish our school to be a happy, caring and well-ordered community and so a high standard of behaviour is expected. We aim to maintain this standard by being consistent in our expectations, setting a good example to the children, encouraging them to develop an awareness of others and teaching them to exercise self-control. Behavioural problems are monitored closely. We endeavour to find the reasons for such behaviour and try to help children to overcome them. The disci- plining of individual children depends on the seriousness of their behaviour and is set in the context of firm, but caring, atmosphere of the school. We have a number of school rules of which children will be reminded of from time to time. These are designed to ensure a safe and orderly school environment. Every pupil in this school has the right to enjoy her/his learning and leisure free from intimidation, both in the school and in the surrounding community.
• Our school community will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks, even if these were not intended to hurt. Bullying will be dealt with seriously. Our most recent feedback described us as a good school, with pupils making good progress in all parts of the school. We were judged good for pupil achievement, quality of teaching, behaviour and leadership. Parents play a very valuable part in the life of the school and the success of the children. We aim to build on what parents have achieved at home and to act as supportive partners to produce happy and successful children. Every classroom is a smart class equipped with technology. With Computer education we are abreast with the latest required for the student. for the future education and develop- ment of your child.

School Vision
Our vision is for each child to develop a curiosity of learning, discover their interests and grow in their love of learning. We also desire to have strong families through parent support/fellowship and skills training.
We aim to offer a safe, happy place where everyone is known and valued, and where differing needs are acknowledged, accepted and met We aim to encourage each child to be independent and develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and respect for others in the environment

School Mission
Our purpose is to promote the full development of all pupils by providing a secure, professional and caring environment in which each pupil is encouraged to reach his or her individual potential and is prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. These goals are to be achieved in the context of a secular environment.
At Sree Swamy Vivekananda Higher Primary School, we see our mission as educating the whole child. We believe in the importance of developing the child's spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness as well as their academic abilities
The fulfilment of our mission depends upon:
Parents are the first educators of their children and who reinforce the aims and ethos of the school.
Teachers help the children to reach their full potential liaise with the home and help establish and maintain the secular atmosphere of the school.
Children's co-operation with the staff and everyone in the school to make it a community grounded in secular values.
Our committed staff work with them to maintain the etho of the school.
The local communities from which we draw our pupils and who support our work and social activities.

Core Values
Our Unique Method of Education help us to stand separate in the competitive education world.
- Transportation Facility With GPS
- Ventilated Classrooms
- Large Play Ground
- Library
- Experimental Learning
- Loving Atmosphere
- Dance, Music, Yoga, Taek-won-do & Meditation
- Qualified & Experienced Teachers
- Smart Board Learning
- Infirmary Care
- Skill Training
- 24/7 CCTV Surveillance
- Scouts And Guides
- Math, Science & Computer Labs

Every drop of knowledge arising out of Swamy Vivekananda, descending down to every individual student is divine. Here every student gets to know his/ her own self in a better way and is taught that education is not only for a living but also for life.
It symbolizes true knowledge and the blessings of the goddess which is noticed in every step.
Kammagondanahalli Sri Maruthi Seva Samithi (R.)
Sree Swamy Vivekananda Higher Primary School is governed by Kammagondanahalli Sri Maruthi Seva Samithi (R.) The school is a dream child of ShriChannigappa a committed socialist and Dr. GururajKarajagi, an established academician with a strong foot hold in Indian Culture.
The Kammagondanahalli Sri Maruthi Seva Samithi (R.) is committed to fostering Indian culture, create and build educational institutions of excellence as well as conduct research in all fields to promote creativity and activity based teaching.
About Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda was a Hindu monk and direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Vivekananda played a key role in the introduction of Indian yoga and Vedanta philosophy in the West. He made a strong impression at the inaugural World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, 1893 – giving a powerful speech on the underlying unity of world religions. He taught a philosophy of traditional meditation and also selfless service (karma yoga).
He advocated emancipation for Indian women and an end to the worst excess of the caste system. He is considered an important figurehead of India’s growing self-confidence and later nationalist leaders often said they were inspired by his teachings and personality. “To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. “I will drink the ocean”, says the persevering soul; “at my will mountains will crumble up”. Have that sort of energy, that sort of will; work hard, and you will reach the goal.” – Swami Vivekananda